

Live escape game is perfect as a teambuilding for group of colleagues. Exciting entertainment where colleagues will test the skills and abilities of each other. It’s the way to get to know and understand their team roles.


Games are invited to participate in all hravuchtiví and competitive adults and children. Only children accompanied by an adult.

For friends

Take your group of friends and take on this challenge in the best possible time. If you've gone through all the festivals, museums and surrounding attractions and are looking for something altogether different and new, believe that our escape game will keep you entertained.

For families

Hledáte tip na rodinný výlet? Místnost plná hádanek a zámků bude určitě ta, kterou si vaše děti zamilují a zapamatují. Kdo by neměl rád záhady a tajemství? Ty fascinují každého, ať mladého či starého 🙂